Friday, August 14, 2009


I have been a regular blog reader since my initial days in IIFM. These blogs have been thought provoking, edifying and sometime amusing. A few blogs were so well written that I could have he feel of an alien country without depriving me form the comforts of my hostel room. So while counting my remaining days in IIFM, I thought to start blogging as it is a very good way to articulate myself.
While thinking about what I should begin with, I thought about express my views on Bhopal and specially places which I visited the most.
I had a lot of anxiety regarding this unfamiliar place I was about to be located in for two years. Somehow the first experience regarding IIFM has been overwhelming. After a couple of months of joining I started exploring Bhopal, till then the only places I had visited were Nehru Nagar and New Market.
Being a big foodie I stated looking for good food joints in Old Bhopal. And finally one fine day I came across a restaurant named Jameel, a perfect place to unleash the beast within.
I found Old Bhopal area to be a perfect place to observe the affluent muslim culture. The hawelis, mazars and maszids still try to elucidate its prosperous Nawabi sovereignty. The Tazul Maszid, which use to be the largest maszid in India, still stand tall and straight. I had a number of visits to this divine place and each time I go there I intentionally ask a nawazi to tell me something about this place. Soon I can feel his emotion and respect for the place. The passion with which they enlighten me was worth admiring each time I illustrate my inquisitiveness for the place. I remember one instance in which a very old man, must be in his 80’s, hold my hands and made me enter the maszid and explained me all particulars. I was a bit hesitant to enter their praying area but the enthusiasm of the old men was sufficient enough to overcome my hesitance, was really a touchy moment for me.
Somehow I do have a lot of memories associated with this part of Bhopal. But it would be injustice on my part if I refrain myself from writing something about the other part. People of Bhopal say that the other part of Bhopal ascends with the unfortunate incident of the Gas Tragedy. Even now while moving around in the city one can come across many terrifying tales related to the incident. The old part and the new part of Bhopal are very much different. The main reason behind this is dominance of muslims is more in the older region where as the newer region has more hindu residents. But all together it’s an illustration of amalgamation of two distinct cultures. It has always been a privilege for me to be a witness of such a great amalgamation.
Picture about Bhopal will be incomplete if I don’t describe about the wonderful lakes it has. Upper lake was my favorite as it holds the perfect ambience which catches my attention. Crowd lovers like visiting in the evening but I love doing it in the mid-night. The still water of the lake on the background of the twinkling lights of the VIP road, the calmness in the setting and the view of the mazar in the middle of the lake makes it a perfect place to spend time with. The view is adequate to make the rudest of man to admire it and appreciate its magnificence. Wish I had a girlfriend with whom I can spend some time in this splendid set.

I found Bhopal a perfect place to live in, had even decided to inhabit my self in this beautiful place but destiny has something else for me. But my love for this place will remain forever and I hope one day the very destiny will bring me back to this place and allow me to do justice to my desire…….amen


  1. Do I need to put in the picture about the time (after field trip to first OT), how we, being non biker, used to wait fanatically to get key of any bike , be it senior or bathcmate, to roam the upper lake areas after the classes and spend time with Bhel, baked corn and of course cigarette.
    Those fun..fiesta..those pictures.. forever. They are memory of moments and I still live on those memories.

    Welcome to blogosphere and seriously waiting for your next post. Make it fast :-)

  2. Lovely Debu..and you are right, Bhopal was amazing :)

  3. Bahot sahi likha Deba... ur love for bhopal is evident as u chose it write about it first :) Now we are waiting for the next one.. I know u have many a tales to tell ;)

  4. Brilliantly written boy !!!!!!! Bhopal was amazing and your words tug upon the heart yet again to go back to that wonderful place... Keep writing...your words have a life of their own...Simply beautiful.

  5. made me feel nostalgic.. :)

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